Find further information below on how to make a complaint or raise a concern.
Raising a concern about a UPCA Member.
If you experience an issue with a member of UPCA we would recommend in the first instance that the issue is raised with the member directly if possible. If you still remain dissatisfied and would like to complain about a member of our association please download the document below.
Raising concerns and making complaints guidance document
Raising a concern about UPCA.
UPCA is committed to ensuring that its strategy, policies and performance is open to scrutiny by its members and the public and we welcome feedback from UPCA service users. Please get in touch to let us know if you are dissatisfied with any aspect of the service we have provided you with and download the procedure document below.
UPCA Organisational Complaints Procedure
Raising a concern about a UPCA Therapist.
UPCA takes protection of the public and the safety of clients of UPCA therapists very seriously. It is a requirement that all UPCA members agree to abide by the UKCP Code of Ethics and Professional Practice (2019).
If you have concerns about the conduct of a UPCA therapist we recommend in the first instance that you raise the concern with them. If this is not possible, or their response does not resolve the issue, then please email
We will respond to your complaint asap to discuss the complaints procedure.